


Cisco ESA License

The use of e-mail has become one of the most important communication channels for any person or any business or company and organization. But if you have used various emails, especially free e-mail boxes, you know that sending unwanted and advertising spam, or emails containing viruses or malware is very common. Managers and employees of organizations may waste a lot of time reading promotional emails or spam. It is even possible that your computer or network has a virus or malware in the form of an email.

Licensed CISCO ESA (Email Security Appliance) helps users to increase the security of their emails and mailboxes and stay away from possible harm from viruses and malware that may threaten their security.

Cisco ESA License
Cisco ESA License

How Cisco ESA Works?

The licensed CISCO ESA (Email Security Appliance) is Cisco’s special technology to increase the security of networks or computers against emails containing malware, viruses, phishing emails or spam emails. This technology limits the receipt of these emails so that the user’s security is preserved and companies and organizations receive only valid and secure emails.

CISCO ESA with the original ESA license uses several layers of security to check and ensure the complete security of incoming and outgoing e-mails against malicious agents, in order to create complete security for the user as well as the hardware and software.

This software uses machine learning algorithms as well as other advanced technologies to identify dangerous and phishing emails. Other features of ESA with ESA license include the ability to authenticate email senders. This feature is used to ensure that the identity of the users who sent the emails are not fake.

What you can do with Cisco ESA

  • Protect sensitive outgoing emails using DLP and easy encryption, all in one solution
  • Identify and block security threats using artificial intelligence and Cisco Talos database
  • The highest level of flexibility in expanding and updating through Cloud, Virtual, On-Premises and Hybrid
  • Dealing with Ransomware in files sent by users using Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) and Cisco Threat Grid
  • Preventing misuse of the company’s brand by using Cisco Domain Protection (CDP) and Cisco Advanced Phishing Protection (CAPP) services
  • Automatic blocking of emails with suspicious URLs or online analysis and blocking of access to new sites that endanger your security against Phishing and BEC threats

Cisco ESA Key features

Some of the features of this security software are:

For more information, Cisco License
  • It also prevents email attacks based on fake identities.
  • It has its own special solutions to protect emails with sensitive content.
  • It uses special encryption technologies to protect the content of these emails.
  • Removes emails containing dangerous links directly and automatically from the user’s email box.
  • It does not allow the user to enter the sites infected with malware to prevent phishing and other problems caused by infected emails.
  • It has a close and permanent relationship with “Cisco TALOS”, which is related to the security research department of this company. In this way, it can deal directly with the latest examples of known malware.
  • Dealing with ransomware and malware that are placed by hackers in email attachments. The way it works is that Cisco ESA does not allow opening the email and clearly indicates the presence of malware or the intended threat in the email and informs the user of the existence of a threat or malicious file.

Cisco ESA LicenseManageability

Universal Device Support

The possibility of using it on several different platforms regardless of what kind of device the users are using.

System Overview Dashboard

The licensed Cisco ESA provides you with the ability to monitor and report the outgoing email of the organization in an integrated way.

Detailed Message Tracking

It will allow you to track emails through the sender, receiver, sent file, emails that included DLP.

Web Interaction Tracking

Using this method will allow the network administrator to obtain the following reports by tracking and checking the URLs that users are connected to:

  • Most malicious URLs visited by users
  • Users who open the most malicious URLs
  • And it will display the time, date, actions taken based on the URL

Outbreak Filters

Outbreak Filters protect you against emerging and multiple threats. With its help, you can create complex rules including different components: file type, file name, file size and URL in the email. As Talos learns more from Outbreaks, Talos can change existing rules and remove emails from quarantine.

Outbreak also has the ability to rewrite suspicious URLs in email. When you click a new link, the Cisco proxy server will redirect you to that new link. All the contents of the website will be scanned and if there is any Malware, a blocking message will be displayed to the user.

Cisco Advanced Malware Protection

AMP and Threat Grid will allow you to block and rank, file sandboxing, review files and continuously analyze threats. Users will have the ability to block attacks, track suspicious files and quickly fix them.

ESA is integrated with AMP. With this integration, AMP will automatically take care of the integrity of files and data and how they behave to defend against the spread of threats across the network.

For more cisco security products, Cisco Security

Graymail Detection and Safe Unsubscribe

Graymail includes marketing emails and mass mailings. Graymail feature monitors and categorizes the received emails of your organization accurately and you can take appropriate action regarding each category.

Basically, Graymails contain an Unsubscribe link, which the user will have the ability to decide whether he wants to receive such emails or not. Since unsubscribing is considered one of the ways of Phishing, users should be aware of such links.

Cisco Advanced Phishing Protection

CAPP will give you ways to prevent spoofing using BEC as well as gathering information from Talos and machine learning to get a pattern of trusted emails on the Internet.

  • Using machine learning to update security models daily and prevent impersonation online.
  • Dual receiving support, in this model sensors send copies of emails through the SMTP protocol
  • Preventing BEC attacks by using DMARC and advanced Name Protection system to prevent forgery of the sent email domain.

cisco license

Spam Protection

Spam is a problem that has complex solutions to solve it. Cisco has made this way easier for you by using multi-layer scanning that identifies more than 99% of spam.

The anti-spam feature in the licensed Cisco ESA uses the CASE engine. This engine checks all email texts in terms of structure, email sender, recipient and email text. By combining the above, ESA protects you against leading security threats.

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