

GRID Virtual PC

Nvidia Grid Virtual PC

Nvidia has launched a new graphics card for virtual desktop systems that use the Grid platform. This company has promised its customers to reduce the costs related to the implementation of applications that require higher graphics than other applications.

According to Nvidia License announcement, this new graphics card named Tesla M10 has 4 graphics processing units (GPU) and 32 GB of memory, or in other words, enough computing power to stream applications on the desktop of 64 users.

Users can purchase graphics hardware in Grid servers and its licenses from companies such as Hewlett Packard, Dell, Cisco, and Nutanix, along with virtualization software such as VMware Horizon, Citrix XenApp, and Citrix XenDesktop.

Specialists in this field believe that running applications in a centralized manner and transferring them to end users will reduce hardware and management costs. In this way, users are able to run high-level graphic programs with cheap PCs that do not have enough computing power to run these programs. Also, users can access streamed programs from anywhere and on any device, including their tablets.

One of the clear and practical examples of Nvidia Grid is related to engineering programs and video content production. It is in such a situation that the Tesla M60 graphics card is taken into consideration. This card supports a smaller number of users, but runs applications that require the highest level of graphic performance.

NVIDIA GRID Virtual PC License


This company plans to expand its activity in the market by presenting new M10 graphics cards. This move by Nvidia comes at a time when a large number of businesses have yet to accept the need for some users to use more powerful GPUs to run applications.

John Fanelli, Vice President of Grid Products stated: Users active in the field of information need more graphic performance day by day, while people active in the field of marketing also usually use programs such as Photoshop or Illustrator, which shows the wider use of these applications with Time will pass. Even the presence of a powerful graphics engine is necessary to facilitate the process of running Windows 10 and new Office programs.

Server providers can place two M10 cards in a single Grid system. This means that different businesses will be able to stream applications for more than 120 users per server. Nvidia claims this is the highest density in the industry for any server.

This company has also started selling Grid Virtual Application and the licenses of it as a software for streaming individual applications and Grid Virtual Desktop to stream the entire desktop space. Grid Virtual Workstation is also a professional product for engineers.

Nvidia company offers Grid software with a permanent or subscription license. Now users can use Grid Virtual Application for two dollars per month and Grid Virtual Desktop for six dollars per month if they receive a three-year subscription.

These days, almost most of the services such as YouTube, Netflix, etc. continue to work in the form of cloud content storage and processing. Nvidia, as one of the leaders in hardware, especially in the graphics sector, has introduced its virtual GPU technology called Nvidia Grid. This technology makes it possible to use a physical graphics processor together with other virtual machines.

In this way, instead of communicating one-to-one, different virtual machines can now use the available resources of a graphics processor jointly. To access this virtual graphics processor, you must use cards such as Grid K1, Grid K2, Grid k340 or Grid K520.

For example, the licensed Nvidia Grid K2 is built using the Kepler architecture and has 2 GK104-895 chips. The number of processor threads also reaches 1536 x 2. The type of memory used in this processor is GDDR5 and there is a power to support 8 GB of memory (2×4) in this processor. To use this type of virtual graphics processors, you must use Nvidia Virtual GPU Software.

This software gives virtual machines the power to share the installed graphics card. It is possible to share between eight virtual machines by only one processor. This amount increases to 32 users using the Nvidia Grid Board. Also, servers that support Nvidia Grid will go a step further and support 64 users!

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