

IT Service Intelligence (ITSI)


Considering that the provision of computer services to business units in organizations is the responsibility of the IT team, the continuity of these services and various businesses requires a service-centric perspective. It should be noted that this view is for all machine data as well as information about performance indicators. Therefore, in order to provide service-level intelligence, the problems of old products must be solved. These problems include controlling data sources with variable formats, working with weak integrated controllers, scalability and long deployments. This requires a new approach that creates an initial and default view of operational health and performance indicators for the IT team.


Splunk IT Service Intelligence

In order to reduce event noise and forecast service degradation and outages of core business and IT services, Splunk License for ITSI APP is an intelligent solution that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI), powered by Machine Learning (ML).

Visibility is provided over a business service and it’s supporting IT applications and infrastructure by Splunk ITSI, Observability, and SignalFX.

Why Splunk ITSI APP?

This technology provides a Cross-Silo Visibility to the important performance indicators of IT services. Also, through the integration of data in the company, it provides the possibility of designing services and KPIs visually. As a result, new information can be discovered, normal operations can be started, and operational data can be interpreted as business impact. Also, using Splunk ITSI APP, organizations will be able to:

  • Use built-in searches to identify problems with these preventative measures.
  • Track important indicators manually and automatically by setting KPI Thresholds.
  • Monitor individual components of a service along with Entities and develop Entities with useful MetaData.
  • Identify unusual cases and carefully state the root causes affecting the service levels required for your business.
  • You can have a powerful visualization of the network. As a result, a hierarchical and real-time view of service health and important performance indicators is provided for you.

Multi KPI Alert

With the help of this technology, warnings or significant events can be presented using a new graphical interface to link the status of KPIs in several different services. As a result, you will be able to find out about significant problems or potential problems before they occur.

Deep Dive

With the Deep Dive feature, you can penetrate deep into problems and issues, and at the same time, you can view and compare numerous indicators, events, and KPIs over time. With just a few clicks and using data related to Ad Hoc Search or KPIs, you can add new lines to Deep Dive. Managing all this information in one place will help you to get important information about the process.

Glass Tables

For a more targeted view of services and KPIs, custom Glass Tables can be created by drag-and-dropping a new interface. While the built-in widgets show the status, you can use the existing network diagrams or icons to create the background.

Service Analyzer

With Splunk ITSI’s default Service Analyzer, you can quickly gain a high-level view of service health. Users can also customize this homepage to display the services and KPIs they need.

Splunk ITSI

A simple machine data platform

Fast installation, easy connection to all data sources and instant interaction with data are the best parts of Splunk ITSI. Another advantage of this technology is the collection, processing and analysis of all data related to indicators and events in any environment such as physical, virtual, cloud and hybrid environments. Also, by using Splunk ITSI, it is possible to provide a revolutionary approach for analyzing and monitoring services for the organization.

Accurate monitoring

In Splunk ITSI, early warning signs for failure are identified and minor changes in the pattern are identified to identify disruptions. It uses machine learning for basic and normal operating patterns and adapts thresholds to variable behaviors in real time. Correlation searches perform pre-defined searches against learned indices to generate significant events.

Analytics based troubleshooting

Service relationships are defined by quickly understanding dependencies and their potential performance impact. This solution organizes and links indicators and events in “Swim Lanes” to speed up the process of investigation and diagnosis. In addition, it compares Real Time performance with past performance to create a better understanding of trends and identify systematic issues. In addition, the process of due diligence from the dashboard to the raw data is carried out with the aim of identifying the root causes of the problem.

Splunk ITSI APP key features

  • Identify an incident’s cause and origin quickly
  • Intelligent operational reporting and real-time analysis
  • Strong capabilities for analysis, search, and visualization
  • Supports drill downs to profile an entity and resolve issues
  • Monitor and control SCADA data and the Internet of Things
  • Receives log and machine data from any source and indexes it
  • To predict upcoming degradation, AI and ML reduce event noise
  • Big Data Analytics, which uses internal and internet-based machine data
  • Real-time cloud monitoring for infrastructure with Observability and SignalFX
  • Gives business and service context so that incident investigation can be prioritized

Splunk License

Splunk ITSI APP using benefits

  • Alert fatigue is lessened by real-time anomaly detection
  • Provides a centralized, unified view of crucial IT services
  • Delve into the analysis of machine data from various systems
  • Use KPIs to map critical services and identify what matters most
  • Automate incident workflows, remediation processes, and alerts
  • Track clients and users proactively to comprehend and foresee their needs
  • Uses machine learning to find patterns and automatically adjust thresholds
  • Streamline platform and application-specific tools while combining capabilities
  • A real-time network intelligence system can help you avoid expensive network outages
  • Keep an eye on how the network infrastructure is performing in comparison to service level agreements

The licensed Splunk ITSI services are the primary focus of Cyber Chasse’s key services for its clients. We are experts at implementing Splunk both on-premises and in the cloud using best practices. Our team has extensive experience onboarding a wide range of data sources at affordable rates.

What Does It Service Intelligence (ITSI) From Splunk Mean?

The licensed Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ITSI), as the name suggests, is a crucial tool for Event analytics and Service insight. Most people think of ITSI as a better tool for monitoring infrastructure components, and that is a fair assumption. It is a powerful tool for monitoring business processes that provides insights into the services that are prone to failures and interruptions.

Architecture critique

The Cyber Chasse team can assess your current IT architecture and make recommendations for various ways to increase the return on your Splunk implementation investment. Splunk ITSI gives your company the tools it needs to be proactive by keeping an eye on the services that are susceptible to cyberattacks.

Application of ITSI

The alignment of the business strategy, goals, and objectives at Cyber Chasse is the first step in the successful implementation of the licensed Splunk ITSI. We Always Make Sure To Understand The Business Needs And Potential Pitfalls When Implementing Splunk ITSI. Ones of our main services are:

  • Create a plan to assist in keeping an eye on your systems’ KPI.
  • Assessment of Risk for Important Services That Deserve Monitoring.
  • Identifying The Key IT Infrastructure Elements That Support The Applications.
  • Identifying The Service Dependencies Which Are Expensive To Recover And Restore.
  • By mapping the systems that provide IT services, we are able to comprehend the difficulties.

Customers can order various Splunk software and licenses by contacting our sales specialists at Golicense.

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