A critical part of an all-encompassing cyber security strategy is to exploit Access Management platform. It gives organizations total control and unlimited vision on all users’ roles, authorizations, and access levels to important business data as well as systems. The WALLIX Access Manager module, which is part of our complete privileged access management (PAM) solution, includes the tools your security teams need to effectively and efficiently manage all access from a single portal.
Why You Need an Access Management Platform
To track actions in your organization and to prevent unwanted vulnerability and threat efficiently, you need to be able to know where users have their roles and how they have been granted access to view your network at real time. In this context, Access Management serves as a linchpin for your security operations (SecOps) teams in terms of monitoring access authorizations, tracking operations effectively and offering simple access solutions for all users (internal or external), including third parties, on every occasion such that they can obtain anything that they require for their work.
The WALLIX Access Manager provides your organization with:
A customizable admin portal that grants super admins total control over the interface used by administrators. They can also decide on how to categorize and send files to their chosen Windows repositories.
An out of the ordinary control panel to manage whose is allowed or not to reach any of your Bastions. One WALLIX Access Manager may connect with different Bastions for easy referencing and investigation into suspicious happenings among multiple connected Bastions using advanced searching capabilities.
Authentication is possible through traditional “directory” authentications and even SAML 2.0 in separate infrastructures employing identity federation systems.
Establishing one HTTPS point of entry into your network to restrict the number of ports while decreasing the number of potential attack points.
A scalable solution that employs a multi-tenant framework ensuring security despite information being accessed via several bastions, for instance in cases where several privileged users possess both common and different access rights. On top of that, Access Managers make it possible for administrators to establish ‘live’ bastion clusters with clear knowledge on which resources different bastions are able to reach.
Audit and compliance tools allow you to easily comply with applicable regulations. Access Manager would have its own audit tools thereby providing an unchanging trail of audits on all what has been approved through such. The audit trail includes the collections in scripts as well as some session metadata recorded like videos and searchable through the OCR technology (optical character recognition). In addition to its general search function, advanced search facilitates this metadata searching among all the managed bastions.
Benefits of Access Management
Using the Access Manager module, you can:
Ensure you are meeting compliance regulations
Manage and secure all access within your organization from one central location
Supports advanced research within all your Bastions
Scale the solution to fit your company’s needs as it grows and changes
Adapt the Bastion to your existing authentication solutions to leverage all your existing security solutions
Quickly deploy with minimal interruption to operations
Why do you need an Access Manager on top of a PAM solution?
The WALLIX Access Manager complements a traditional PAM solution.
In general, the term PAM refers to a collection of modules and instruments that assist organizations in handling privileged accounts’ sessions, access, and passwords. This is why it can also mean privileged account management.
More precisely, the Access Manager handles the access and audit features of your PAMs collection. This is a secured gateway for entering and altering all PAMs on your network at once while auditing them both from inside and outside.
The WALLIX Access Manager is one of three modules included in the complete WALLIX PAM solution. The complete security infrastructure also includes the:
An important part of PAM is the session manager which allows your SecOps team to see everything that privileged users do at any time during their work. This system has a reliable audit trail for meeting compliance needs and has an ability to cut off user sessions if there is anything amiss.
Also a key component of PAM, the password manager serves to enforce password policies in your company. All passwords are stored in a secure password vault and no one user can hack into any root password thereby making it more difficult for hackers to break through its intricate defenses.
Our complete PAM solution can also be complemented with our a Discovery Module which scans your entire network for privileged accounts that may have been forgotten. The access privileges these accounts maintain make them an appealing target for hackers. One of the most effective ways to stop an attack is to monitor and keep records of all privileged users.
Together, the WALLIX Access Manager, Session Manager, Password Manager/Vault, and Discovery modules work in concert to provide organizations with a comprehensive PAM solution to protect against and prevent attacks.