

Identity Exposure

Tenable AD License

Network and user management, controlling and defining their hierarchy in Windows Server is done in Active Directory (AD). One of the causes of network disruption is insecure Active Directory (AD).

Misconfigurations in Active Directory make it easy for hackers to use these weaknesses to disrupt the network. By securing this section, the licensed Tenable.AD software helps the user to eliminate all paths of attack and penetration into the network. License License


This software provides more security for the network by optimal management of Active Directory in Windows Server. Most network designers may create complexity in this section with incorrect configurations and compromise network security.

In this situation, structural problems or unwanted external attacks may cause damage to infrastructure or information and data.

The use of License makes the user, in addition to managing and monitoring network components, predict problems and take necessary measures to prevent them from occurring in Active Directory, so that the network does not suffer damage and penetration.

Tenable ad key features

  • Monitor any changes in Active Directory (AD)
  • Checking and analyzing changes in Active Directory (AD)
  • Managing and monitoring the security of Active Directory
  • Managing these weaknesses and providing solutions to fix security bugs
  • All types of attacks on Active Directory such as DCShadow, Brute Force, Spraying Password, DCSync, etc. are detected by this software. In the next step, ad helps the user to avoid these attacks.
  • Using Tenable.AD software, the weak points in Active Directory are revealed. Then these problems are prioritized by the software and in the next step based on the ranking, they will be solved based on the instructions of the ad.
  • This licensed solution helps the user to find the weak points and security bugs in Active Directory (AD) and manage them. These weak points are actually the paths of network attack that the user will gain full confidence in the security of his network by closing them.

Protect active directory

Attackers take a sophisticated approach to Active Directory attacks, an attack avenue that is often overlooked by organizations, even those with a relatively mature cybersecurity program. And even for organizations aware that Active Directory can be attacked, their traditional security approach doesn’t work well for Active Directory. License


Over the years, Microsoft has offered a number of security solutions for on-premises Active Directory security, but few, if any, have had the persistence of organizations to engage in them. Instead, they are often short-lived or replaced by other solutions. While other security solutions, such as Group Policy Management, have emerged over the past two decades, they simply do not provide real, comprehensive protection for the Active Directory environment. Indeed, the new attacks are complex, often hidden and not always easy to spot.

Most Active Directory solutions were created a decade ago and simply haven’t kept up with the evolution of the Active Directory environment, which now includes more assets and more diverse asset types. While some solutions such as AD monitoring or SIEM can issue an alert when they discover a problem, few can proactively detect a wide range of attacks and prevent your organization from taking action to remediate. configuration errors or other problems.

However, does not need an attack log to be able to alert you to problems. Instead, it uses your raw AD replication stream to find issues before a successful breach.


Active Directory is inherently a single point of failure, and we see Active Directory attacks increasing in volume and severity around the world. Active Directory attacks pose a threat to all global businesses, regardless of industry.

Here in this article you’ll take a closer look at some of today’s most common Active Directory risks and the potentially catastrophic impact they can have on businesses, including taking a closer look at 15 significant business breaches and the best practices for protecting your Active Directory against similar attacks.

You can also examine five key risks that your organization must address on a priority basis, including the impact of Active Directory attacks on business continuity, damage to brand and customer trust, loss of competition, and IP threats. This article also provides practical guidance to help your organization implement effective Active Directory security, including introducing automation tools and real-time event monitoring.


Security breaches are costly and cost businesses up to $170 in gold bullion each year. In 2019 alone, piracy cost the United States around $3.5 billion. Attackers know that Active Directory holds the keys to your domain, so they are constantly looking for ways to infiltrate your systems through AD and move laterally unnoticed. License License


One of the attackers’ favorite methods is distributing ransomware through Active Directory, which forces companies to pay an average of around $84,000 in ransom after a successful attack. But your Active Directory doesn’t have to be vulnerable to these attacks. In this whitepaper, you’ll learn six quick tips on how to prevent ransomware from spreading through your Active Directory to protect access to your privileged Active Directory accounts.

An insecure Active Directory (AD) deployment is the reason behind every breach story. Through the use of known vulnerabilities and configuration errors, AD has become the preferred target for attackers looking to increase privileges and facilitate lateral movement.

Because of the misconfigurations that accumulate as domains become more complex, security teams are unable to find and fix flaws before they have a negative impact on the operation of most organizations, which is unfortunate.

Tenable Active Directory Security is a quick, painless (agentless), active directory security solution that enables you to see everything in your complex AD environment, anticipate what matters to lower risk, and close attack paths before attackers can take advantage of them.